The world is filled with two broad types of people: the ones that care and the ones that don’t. Makers and Dreamers make up the ones that care. Makers, as the name suggests, are the people that build things with their hands. Often, though not always, makers make things that dreamers dream up. The dreamers are always optimistic. They are sure that somehow, by some transcendental intervention, their beautiful dream will see the light of the day. Not only that, it will be well received and adored by all that come across it. The Makers, on the other hand, are pessimistic, almost cynical. However, they try their best to at least create a horse where the dreamers saw a unicorn.
It is fascinating to watch the interactions between these two types. One cannot succeed without the other, but each sees the other as something to be endured instead of a necessary part of the ecosystem. Wonderful things can happen however, when the dreamers understand the makers and vice versa. If the dreamers acknowledge the world for what it is, warts and all, they can, by their sheer positivity motivate the makers to outdo themselves. When the makers, on their part, buy into these seemingly wild flights of fancy, they can build things of a subliminal beauty that wows the onlooker.