I decided I wanted to run the exercises from the MOOC on my local computer. The recommended approach is to run everything on a t2 AWS instance to make sure everything is setup correctly and then run the final product on a p2 AWS instance. While it still makes sense to run your final job on something with a lot of GPU horsepower (like an AWS p2 instance or Floydhub), I didn't particularly feel like using an AWS instance with no GPU to setup the job. Thus the quest for setting up my home machine - a Macbook Pro running MacOS Sierra with a NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 2048 MB card - for this purpose.
The process
- Install xcode 8.2 command line tools from apple’s site from here: (Note: as of this writing, CUDA 8.0 requires Xcode 8.2 on Mac OS Sierra Other versions of Xcode lead to a nvcc error - nvcc is the nvidia compiler)
- Make the Xcode command line tools the default: sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/
- Install CUDA 8.0 from here: Make sure you check if your particular graphics card is supported. There's a support matrix on the CUDA site.
- Install cuDNN 5.1 for CUDA 8.0 ( (Note: although higher versions of cuDNN are available, keras 1.2.2 seems to only work with cuDNN 5.x)
- Install anaconda using the anaconda installer from,
- Install theano (pip install theano)
- Install keras v1.2.2 (pip install keras==1.2.2)
- Install kaggle-cli
The list above is from memory and judicious use of the bash history command, so I cannot guarantee I haven't missed anything. If you happen to get stuck at some point, try looking at the script here to figure out if you can spot the missing piece. The steps below are based off that script.
1 comment:
Thank you for the post!
Helped me setup my MBP for the course.
Although significantly slower than AWS p2.
At least its workable.
Only thing that I found that need to be fixed is ~/.keras/keras.json file.
From tn/tensorflow to th/theano
"image_dim_ordering": "th",
"epsilon": 1e-07,
"floatx": "float32",
"backend": "theano"
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